Friday, August 28, 2020

7 ideas for Pergolados Bamboo

Leisure and relaxation are becoming more and more common in brazilian houses. As it is, with it comes a great wave of green, and the protection of the environment, that is to say, by the way, it’s always a good idea to preserve the nature and to build a better environment. Talking about the external areas and the community comes up with a great idea of the pergolados made of bamboo.

Pergolado of Bamboo on the cover of the building

1 – Pergolado of Bamboo on the cover of the building

Do you know what it is, a pergolado out of bamboo? Do you know the price and how to get one in your home? If the answer is no, you do not need to worry, because today we’re going to answer any questions you may have about pergolados made of bamboo.

The content

What it is:

For those who don’t know the pergolado, which is also known as a pergola, outside of Brazil, it is a structure made of several elements, with the stakes parallel to each other and suspended in the column. When you see a pergola, or a pergolado, we have the feeling that you are looking for a roof that has to have an image, and, in fact, such a structure can be considered to be a roofing is not finished yet.

In the united banstante are common in the landscape of the pergoados of wood, which are affiliated vines, vines, vines, or any other swirls to form a green roof for the structure.

Where pergolados bamboo

In the past, these structures were used to lift the vines, and also in areas where it is grown for the famous climber.

Today, the purpose of which is to but, and decorative than anything else.

It is precisely for this reason, the pergolados that are commonly used in gardens and other outdoor areas, as the decoration of these spaces.

The pergolados can be made out of wood, steel and even bamboo – you particularly, it’s the most beautiful and the most eco-friendly.

The balcony pergolada with bamboo sticks

The balcony pergolada with bamboo sticks

Pergolado of bamboo-single

Pergolado simple, that blends in with the design of the bamboo in the garden, portrait

In a way that's super creative and contemporary use of the pergola made of bamboo, is for the covering of pathways

In a way that’s super creative and contemporary use of the pergola made of bamboo, is for the covering of pathways

Another tip is to create a hollow in the pergolados in the places where it grows the vegetation on it, creating an interesting play of full and empty

Another tip is to create a hollow in the pergolados in the places where it grows the vegetation on it, creating an interesting play of full and empty

Pergolado that came with the screen made of bamboo, which is used to carry out these and other plants plantasdas

Pergolado that came with the screen made of bamboo, which is used to carry out these and other plants planted in it

pergolado of the bamboo on the balcony, a modern

One more interesting idea for the composition of the balconies that come with the bamboo

Tips for implementation

If you like the idea of having a pergolado in your home. Get out there and check out some of the tips that you have separated for you.

  • If you want to get a pergolado with a lot of beauty, and you have a budget, then invest in the pergolados of the bamboo, which in addition to beautiful, they have a very affordable price.
  • You have a lot of attention to the size of your pergolado as it should be, a structure of a decorative and, at the same time, it must also be used for fun and leisure with your family.
  • Select your location prior to start of construction. Remember, however, that pergolados are in need of a ground-fixed, and, preferably, a woody or a acimentado so that the structure is secure.
  • Then select the place so as not to have problems in the future.
  • In the event you choose to opt for pergolas made of bamboo, do not forget to give a treatment of the parts prior to allowing them to maintain their natural beauty and to protect them from possible external agents.
  • In order to decorate your pergolado, and it’s even more beautiful, you can use curtains, futons, coffee tables, sofas, plants, and anything else your imagination will allow.

If you opt for plants, you know that the most likely are: a christmas to a jew, honeysuckle, and jade, which are adapted very well to the tropical climate. In addition to giving a very high charm to your garden with the pergolados are very high!

So, if you like the idea to make a pergolado in your home as well.

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Esse Artigo Apareceu Primeiro em 7 ideas for Pergolados Bamboo

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