Monday, July 20, 2020

The 15 models in the Mailbox

Mailbox, metal, large, traditional,

Mailbox, metal, large, traditional,

Their mail-boxes are an essential part when it comes to the construction of a dwelling-house, whether it’s a business, a farm or even a building. After all, the locals need to get letters, bills, and correspondence. For this reason, the choice of mailbox is ideal for your project is essential, even at the decoration and the composition of the house, but not many people give too much importance to this phase of the project. For this reason, we have prepared a list of models from the mailbox to the projects that have been successful in the decor.

If you don’t have a lot of knowledge about this piece and don’t need to worry because we are going to talk to you today is just such a Box in the Mail!

The content


There are many different types of materials that can be used in the manufacture of the boxes in the mail. So let’s start by getting to know the main of them:

Mailboxes, cast Iron

This is the kind of box is the oldest, which has been widely used in the houses and in private homes a few years ago. His style ranges from rustic to sophisticated, depending on the modeling, which is focused on the iron.

[#- Z] Match Box-of-iron – Match box iron, the common Model and the retro look of the mailbox – the mail Box in cast iron with old traditional

Mailboxes Plastic

The mail boxes in the plastic have not been widely used in Brazil. They have a format that is very traditional and is similar to the Post office (organisation), and the model is found in the plastic in yellow colour with letters in dark blue or black.

The mail box in cast iron with old traditional – Box-of-mail-on plastic standard, The box in the mail the plastic the standard – Model-of-the box in the mail the plastic pressing [#- Z] to Model a simple box of a matching of the pástico

Mailbox made of Stainless steel

The mail boxes in stainless steel are the most commonly used in big buildings, sophisticated, and can also be found in private homes. All the pieces are in relation to the format, ranging from ‘houses’ for the traditional, rectangular, and even the models are different, depending on the creativity of the designer.

, a mail Box made of stainless steel with a glass-blasted [#- Z] match Box to embed in a stainless steel The simple model of a box of correspondence from the pástico – Box of the modern mail-in-stainless-steel

Mailbox, Aluminum

All the parts are made of aluminum are the most commonly encountered and used today, mainly in Brazil. There are various designs, shapes and colors that are available in the mailboxes in aluminum, and there it is!

The post box made of stainless steel with glass sand blasted – Box office, of aluminium, with a glass – The box of match drilling stainless steel – Box of hard-to-matching-aluminium In box, modern mailbox, stainless steel plain Box to match the aluminum

The models of the boxes in the mail

In addition to a wide variety of materials, in which the mailbox may be found, there are also a number of different models. Among them we can highlight the following as being key:

The box office, the American

As the name implies, this is the way the typical american is still deficient in Brazil.

It is rectangular, and it can be found in many different colors, some of the details, the other with the address painted on the box itself, and even a few originals as well, with different designs, and this may vary according to the individual taste of the person.

The box office, the american

Mail Rectangular

The model is rectangular, it is the most widely used and found in homes. This is the more traditional one, in that it is a small rectangle of the view to the outside, and the rest of the internal parts, it may be the opening in the back or the front, depending on the taste of the individual.


The price of the boxes in the mail will vary greatly depending on the model and the materials used.

The average price to a minimum, which can be found for$ 25.00 for a plastic box (20 x 12 cm), up to R$ 425,00 for a one-box made of stainless steel.

Consider this article!

Esse Artigo Apareceu Primeiro em The 15 models in the Mailbox

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